Majidea zanguebarica

' Black Pearl Tree '

[ Sapindaceae ]
[ Tropical Africa ]
Black Pearl Tree is a small tree growing to 5 m tall. Flowers are small green-red, fragrant, in dense custers at the end of panicles. Fruit is spherical with 3 lobes, 3cm long. The fruit splits open, showing a very nice bright red interior, with spherical, velvety blue-black seeds, which inspire the common name of the tree.
Majidea zanguebarica
Seeds (3) :
2.6 € Buy Now
Plant 25-30cm : Out of Stock

Shrub . Flowering plant . Plant which can be grown as a Bonsai .
zone 12 = Winter minimum temperature above 10C (above 50F)
Deserts or Arid Areas
Rocky Hillsides
Savanna Woodland
Dry tropical forests

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Temperature during winter
Watering during automn-winter
Watering during hot season
Fertilizer during growth

2 gravel + 1 soil + 1 humus

Indoor during winter temperature min. from 11 to 16C


Regularly but without excess, and especialy during summer

From time to time when necessary
A light pruning is possible every end of summer
Repot from time to time

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2272 Germination Seeds are fairly easy to germinate. Seeds need up to 1 month to germinate.
My seed germinated in about 2 weeks. No pre-soaking was done. It was sown in the rainy season in Trinidad which has a tropical climate
Trinidad & Tobago A visitor 2015-09-05

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So, if you have experiences to share with other amateurs over the World, please write a comment concerning:

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